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Kundalini Light Activation Training

Are you ready for the next step? Become a facilitator.

Next Trainings:

  • 15. - 22. March 2025 - Mallorca & Online

  • possibly November 2025 - exact location and time to be announced -> waiting list open

Become a Kundalini Light Activation Facilitator

KLA Training + Intensive

This training is for you if you have a deep desire to become a facilitator yourself and also want to understand what this work really means, the science behind it and how you can use this knowledge to enrich your sessions. What do the movements mean? What happens inside us during the session?


You will not only learn how to activate the Kundalini (or Life-Force) energy and hold sessions for groups and individuals, but also how to guide people into a Clear-Light consciousness. In addition, you will gain insights into fascinating scientific findings and mindblowing insights that will take your work to a new level.


You can expect a breaking open of your beliefs, your ideas and reality as you know it, because we look deep between the boundaries of being.

This training includes a 6-day in-person training, followed by a 7-month online training in which you will gain further relevant knowledge and insights. During this time, there is room for your questions while you are already working with the energy as a facilitator. A permanent community and ongoing support are also part of the program. Thanks to the small group, I will stay in close contact with you to make sure you get the support you need.

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3 Phases 


In this part we will expand your consciousness and you will learn how to hold bodies. You will understand where Kundalini and Clear Light Consciousness comes from, how to use it and how to facilitate with it.

At the end of this phase, you will be able to facilitate and lead your own sessions.


After you have learned to facilitate, the most important step is integration, so that your body gets everything it needs and you can develop a deep understanding. The focus here is on you and your well-being. In this phase you will already be giving sessions to gain the deep understanding you need for the next phase.


To the things you have already experienced in the training, we will now add insights and techniques to deepen your practice, develop an understanding of what is happening in the sessions and give structure to what you are already feeling. We will look at science and research on this topic and show you ways to integrate this into your own work.


The Training

6 days on site

7 months online

After the Training

We start with a 6-day on-site training that offers a harmonious mix of practical exercises and theoretical knowledge. Learn how to facilitate and hold bodies. 

This is followed by 7 months of online training with bi-weekly calls - and a month of integration in the middle- where you will receive further input, guidance and support on your own experiences and questions while you are already facilitating.

Even after completing your training, you will continue to benefit from the support and community of KLA.  You will also receive a certificate for completing your training. 


Is this the right Kundalini training for you? 

With so many Kundalini trainings available, it can be difficult to keep track of them all and choose the one that is best for YOU. Here you will find some tips that you can pay attention to and that are part of this training.




  • Learn to safely activate the Kundalini energy

  • Open the space and hold bodies

  • Guide people into a non-dual or clear light consciousness alongside the Kundalini energy

  • Lead group and individual sessions

  • Supporting clients in their process after the sessions

  • Practicing for yourself

  • Manage your life as a facilitator and integrate this energy

  • and more


  • History and origin of Kundalini energy and Clear Light

  • Effects on the human body and targeted use of techniques

  • Meaning of the movements

  • Neurological connections

  • the importance of different cultures and their ethical influence on your sessions

  • Specific playlisting

  • Techniques for activating a long-lasting healing process

  •  and more

Clear Light


Before your application, you should have already participated in several KLA or Kundalini Activation  sessions - at least three session on site or online with Verena. If this is the case, please send your application via the form. You will receive feedback within a few weeks as to whether you have been accepted.  There is also the possibility that I will invite you to an online interview. Please note that not everyone will be admitted to the training, as there are only a limited number of places and many factors play a role in the decision. Please do not be discouraged by a rejection - perhaps now is not the right time for you. 

In- Person Training

Working with Kundalini energy requires a lot of responsibility. As the facilitator holding the space, you are an integral part of each session. Therefore, you will be the focus of this training and embark on a journey to overcome mental barriers and limiting beliefs. You will experience significant shifts in consciousness and gain a deeper understanding of your inner self. This preparation will help you to integrate the experience more gently. The training is only the first step in a lifelong process. Here you will learn to feel, hold and activate the energy in others and receive initial learning about what is behind Kundalini and the Clear Light and what meaning they have for us.


As soon as you have been accepted for training, you will receive an e-mail confirming your training spot (please also check your spam folder regularly). This will tell you everything you need to know about the next steps. In the time before training, I recommend that you take part in more sessions to prepare your body for the change. The more sessions you have already attended, the easier the training and the time afterwards will be for you. However, be careful not to overstrain your body and mind and continue to listen to how many sessions are good for you.

Online Follow Up

The integration period begins after the in-person training. Make this phase as free as possible, as your body needs extra time to process all the information due to the expansion of your consciousness. During this time, you will already start holding sessions and working with people to apply what you have learned and integrate the knowledge. Regular online appointments will accompany you during this phase and support you in your development. These appointments offer you the opportunity to ask questions, exchange ideas and gain additional knowledge that you can integrate into your work. They also help you to deal with it in your everyday life and to experience the smoothest possible integration phase. This accompanying work allows you to fully integrate the knowledge you have gained.



Verena - Founder of Kundalini Light Activation

I am Verena and with KLA I have developed a method that not only helps us to better perceive our deep self, but also to involve our mind (the light). To bring the balance between body and mind into harmony.  From my own experience, I know how important this is and see it as a great opportunity. Did you know that there are facilitators working in schools, prisons and addiction clinics in countries like Scotland, Oman, the Philippines and Colombia? By giving form to what we feel and experience through language and, where possible, scientific evidence, we open up entirely new possibilities. KLA is a powerful tool that offers many possibilities and should be used wisely.


Kundalini Activation Process Facilitator Training , KAP Academy

Inner Intensive - Facilitator Teacher Training,

Innerdance - Pi Villarza 

Sound Healing, Chiang Mai Holistic Center

+ further training courses on various topics

  • Instagram
Kundalini Light Activation Founder.JPG


After this training you are not obliged to use the name KLA. You are free to choose whether you want to be listed on the official KLA website to benefit from the community or whether you complete the training independently. There are no annual fees or obligation to attend regular events or trainings. What you learn is all yours.

Even after you have completed your training, KLA will continue to support you on your journey as a facilitator through our KLA community groups. 

Apply now


Are you ready for the next step? Ready to step into a deeper consciousness?  Submit your application and be placed on the waiting list. 
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